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Treat vaping differently than smoking, IBVTA manifesto asks

June 6, 2024

Photo: iStock

The Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) has on Thursday launched Responsible Vaping Manifesto, setting out the vape sector’s asks and what the next government should ensure.

The trade body said it is intent on working collaboratively with the new government to ensure that vaping policy, law and regulation is developed in a way which “ultimately achieves the shared objectives of reducing youth vaping, while recognising, and not disproportionately impacting the proven role of vaping” in supporting adult smoking cessation.

The IBVTA is calling on all political parties to ensure the following:

  • Vaping must be treated differently than smoking
  • Potential health benefits must be recognised and embraced
  • Flavours are vitally important to adults
  • Regulation of single-use vapes must align with public health
  • The illicit market can only be challenged with a radical rethink in policy
  • The tax burden on vapes should balance relative harm to smoking

“As a non-political trade body, we don’t endorse any particular political party or candidate. Every political party needs to take into consideration the massive opportunity that vaping represents in terms of improving public health,” Gillian Golden, IBVTA chief executive, said.

“In England alone, research points to vapes having helped in the region of 30,000 to 50,000 additional smokers to successfully quit each year since 2013.”

Marcus Saxton, IBVTA chair, added: “At such a pivotal point in the run up to the general election, the IBVTA has taken the opportunity to outline our own vaping manifesto. It outlines our ‘key asks’ informed by our own industry expertise and research to help inform and shape any incoming government’s own policy and goals. At this key time in the political calendar, we believe that our up-to-date industry expertise, research and knowledge can be of material value to informing future policy and proportionate regulation and ensuring societal gain.”